Micro Weddings: How to Create a Lavish Wedding for a Smaller Guest List


Even if a smaller guest count wasn’t your original plan, a micro wedding can be so special. We think intimate weddings will still be trending long after restrictions are lifted. With a smaller guest count, use the opportunity to spend on the special details and unique touches. Below are three ways to make your micro wedding memorable and elegant.


Make it Personal

Create an elaborate welcome box to get guests excited for your wedding. Work with your stationery designer to create a beautifully designed welcome note along with recommendations of things to do in the area. Skip the expected mints and hangover kit, and instead include snacks or personal care products local to the area of your wedding. At your wedding have embroidered handkerchiefs or (if restrictions are still in place) masks.

Image: Danilo and Sharon, Stationery: Lill Waldenkraz, Scarf: Hermine Hold, Cup: by Mutti


Focus on Food

Rather than just having the usual starter and main course, make food a focus and opt for a 7 course meal. With a smaller guest count, chances are your guests will already be well acquainted and will welcome the extra time they get to sit around the table and enjoy the company. Serve a selection of desserts along with your cake to finish the evening on a sweet note.

Image: Leila Brewster, Pastry: Sweet Pistachio, Venue: Sound River Studios, Florals + Styling: Love, Laura


More is More

If you love flowers, this is a great opportunity to go big. Large installs in a smaller venue will make a huge impact. Take this opportunity to create an extraordinary tablescape by including colored glassware, luxurious napkins, and personalized place cards.

Images: Leila Brewster, Venue: Sound River Studios, Florals + Styling: Love, Laura, Stationery: Emily Rose Ink, Rentals: Please B Seated

Laura Gardner